I channel my curiosity within the intersection of science, technology, design, and engineering with the goal of interweaving seemingly unrelated perspectives to attain fascinating insights. I love contributing to the scientific community through research and strive to bridge the gap between research and its application in the real world.
Software Development Engineer (Security)‡
October 2021 - Present \ Ottawa, Canada
Designing and developing a high-volume, scalable, and robust in-vehicle distributed security system for next-generation connected vehicle platforms, focused on optimizing performance and resilience through complexity & lead time reduction, earning multiple Recognition Awards.
September 2019 - September 2021 \ Ottawa, Canada
Identified and engineered novel, data-driven methods (multiple publications from this work), and open-source tools (and toolkit) for organizations to measure and manage their system's security level during the system design phase.
October 2019 - April 2021 \ Ottawa, Canada
Motivated and mentored 40+ students in topics such as requirements engineering, design patterns, software testing, and production-grade application development resulting in multiple nominations for Outstanding TA Award.
May 2019 - August 2019 \ Ottawa, Canada
Surveyed and advised on security deficiencies associated with cloud based IoT platforms helping initiate a $2 million research contract with multiple industry and government partners to investigate and develop solutions/policies.
January 2018 - August 2019 \ Ottawa, Canada
Initiated and oversaw the design and development of a multi-award-winning temporal annotation framework based on Android (Java) app and a React client hosted on IBM cloud to support advanced temporal data analysis.
September 2019 - September 2021 \ Ottawa, Canada
Coursework included: Data Science, Design by Contracts, Design Secure Networks & Systems, Pattern Classification & Design, Resource Management in Distributed Computing, and Security Engineering.
September 2015 - August 2019 \ Ottawa, Canada
Coursework included: Algorithms and Data Structures, Database Management Systems, Network Applications†, Object Oriented Development, Operating Systems, Real-Time Concurrent Systems, Requirements Engineering†, Software Development Project (Practicum)†, Software Engineering Lab (Practicum)†, and Software Verification and Validation†.
Ford Townhall Recognition Award
Ford Townhall Recognition Award
Ford Recognition Award
Ford Recognition Award
First Place Winner for Data Day 7.1 (General Category)
Nominated for Outstanding TA Award 2020-2021
Nominated for Outstanding TA Award 2019-2020
First Position for Data Day 6.0 Project Lixar and Carleton University Award
Lixar and Carleton University Data Day Award - Second Position
Top Project Award Winner at Data Day 6.0 by Statistical Society of Canada